Paywell still enjoys its luxurious contract
NDS, the national highway company, has still not terminated its contract with Paywell (Petr Sucharda) on processing highway toll...
Some judges oppose court reform
Some 320 of 1,400 Slovak judges signed an open letter condemning the court reform proposed by Justice Minister Mária Kolíková (Za ľudí)....
Paywell si stále užíva luxusný kontrakt
Národná diaľničná spoločnosť stále nevypovedala zmluvu s firmou Paywell (Petr Sucharda) na spracovanie platieb za diaľničné mýto....
Sudcovia proti reforme súdov
Spolu 320 z 1.400 sudcov na Slovensku podporilo otvorený list, v ktorom nesúhlasia s reformou súdov navrhnutou ministerkou spravodlivosti...
VAT control reports replaced by automatic sending of invoice data
The Finance Ministry is working on legislation obliging all companies and sole traders to send invoicing data to the tax authority FS...
Prices of new apartments in Bratislava 9.5% higher annually
Prices of new apartments in Bratislava were 9.5% higher annually in the final quarter of 2020, at €2,739 per sqm excluding VAT, according...
Ceny nových bytov v Bratislave medziročne o 9,5% vyššie
Ceny nových bytov v Bratislave boli v poslednom štvrťroku 2020 medziročne o 9,5% vyššie, na úrovni 2.739 €/m2 bez DPH, ukazujú údaje...
Namiesto kontrolných výkazov DPH sa budú vopred zasielať fakturačné údaje
Ministerstvo financií (MF) plánuje legislatívu, podľa ktorej budú všetky firmy aj živnostníci ešte pred vystavením faktúry musieť zaslať...
Government approved repeated mass testing that has very few backers
The government approved repeated mass testing on Monday as the Christmas lockdown, due to numerous exemptions, absence of enforcement and...
GymBeam enjoys the pandemic
GymBeam, an online store with nutritional supplements and fitness clothing controlled by Dalibor Cicman, became the market leader in the...