Creditors are trying to get their hands on assets of insolvent group Arca Capital
Creditors are trying to get their hands on assets of insolvent group Arca Capital (Rastislav Velič) before the group writes off debts or...
Insurance sector managed to improve its profit 8% despite 2% drop in premiums
The insurance sector managed to improve its after-tax profit 8% to €197.7m last year, mainly thanks to lower indemnities in motor...
Poistný sektor vlani dokázal navýšiť zisk o 8% napriek 2% poklesu predpisu poistného
Poistný sektor vlani dokázal navýšiť zisk po zdanení o 8% na 197,7 mil. €, vďaka nižším poistným plneniam v poistení áut, ukazujú údaje...
Veritelia sa snažia dostať k aktívam insolventnej skupiny Arca Capital
Veritelia sa snažia dostať k aktívam insolventnej skupiny Arca Capital (Rastislav Velič) ešte predtým, ako začne odpisovať dlhy alebo...
Economy shrank 5.2% in pandemic year of 2020
The Slovak economy shrank 5.2% in the pandemic year of 2020, reported the statistics office ŠÚ. This is the first contraction since 2009,...
ŽS Slovensko ineffectively invested €1bn in new trains over the previous decade
ŽS Slovensko, the state-owned rail carrier, has ineffectively invested €1bn in new trains over the previous decade. It failed in cutting...
ŽS Slovensko investuje neefektívne
Štátny železničný dopravca ŽS Slovensko v uplynulej dekáde neefektívne investoval do vlakov 1 mld €. Nedarí sa mu znižovať negatívny...
Ekonomika sa vlani v dôsledku pandémie zmenšila o 5,2%
Slovenská ekonomika sa vlani v dôsledku pandémie zmenšila o 5,2%, informoval Štatistický úrad (ŠÚ). Je to prvý prepad od roku 2009, keď...
Stellantis is yet to decide about a new model for Trnava
Stellantis (formerly PSA) will decide on placement of a new car model in the coming weeks or months, says Arnaud Deboeuf, its Chief...
Slovakia is among the most reform-minded countries in the EU
The Finance Ministry will send its reform Recovery Plan for comments next week, says Lívia Vašáková from the ministry. Slovakia will send...