Over 87% of Slovaks do not trust OĽaNO leader Igor Matovič
Over 87% of Slovaks do not trust OĽaNO leader Igor Matovič, a Focus agency poll shows. Trust is falling in almost all cabinet members bar...
Duslo is discussing the purchase of indebted chemical plant Chemko
Fertilizer maker Duslo (Andrej Babiš) is discussing the purchase of indebted chemical plant Chemko Strážske (Mario Hoffmann). Chemko has...
Duslo rokuje o kúpe zadlženej chemičky Chemko
Výrobca hnojív Duslo (Andrej Babiš) rokuje o kúpe zadlženej chemičky Chemko Strážske (Mario Hoffmann). Chemko už svojim 350 zamestnancom...
Vyše 87% Slovákov nedôveruje šéfovi OĽaNO Igorovi Matovičovi
Vyše 87% Slovákov nedôveruje šéfovi OĽaNO Igorovi Matovičovi, ukázal prieskum agentúry Focus. Klesá pritom dôveryhodnosť takmer všetkých...
Another attempt at reforming healthcare
eath Minister Vladimír Lengvarský (OĽaNO) presented the principles of his health care reform. He wants to start by optimizing the network...
Prices of electronics and home appliances are 20% higher
Prices of electronics and home appliances are 20% higher annually, data of price comparison site Heureka show. The price hike stems from...
Rastú ceny elektroniky?
Ceny elektroniky a domácich spotrebičov sú medziročne vyššie o pätinu, ukazujú údaje cenového porovnávača Heureka. Za rastom je vysoký...
Vláda skúsi reformovať zdravotníctvo
Minister zdravotníctva Vladimír Lengvarský (OĽaNO) predstavil zásady reformy zdravotníctva. Chce začať optimalizáciou siete nemocníc a...
Government will not spend all the EU funds for IT projects
The government will not spend all the EU funds for IT projects, warns the local IT association ITAS. The government has €670m available...
Newly renovated 14th century mansion in Vígľaš to be auctioned off
A creditor, Finax Slovakia, is auctioning off a newly renovated 14th century mansion in Vígľaš. In 2007-14, US citizen Daniel Rekitar...