Arca Capital wants to write off 33% of debts
Arca Capital (Rastislav Velič), which defaulted on its €700m bonds and bills 15 months ago, has submitted its debt restructuring plan...
Centrum Nivy, Slovakia’s largest shopping mall, will open on September 30
Developer HB Reavis (Ivan Chrenko) will open Slovakia’s largest shopping center, including a new bus station, in Bratislava’s Mlynské...
Centrum Nivy, najväčšie obchodné centrum na Slovensku, otvorí 30. septembra
Developer HB Reavis (Ivan Chrenko) otvorí najväčšie nákupné centrum na Slovensku spolu s novou autobusovou stanicou na ulici Mlynské nivy...
Arca Capital chce odpísať 33% dlhov
Skupina Arca Capital (Rastislav Velič), ktorá pred 15 mesiacmi prestala splácať svoje zmenky a dlhopisy za vyše 700 mil. €, predložila...
Romanian plastics recycler Green Group is investing €12m in Slovakia
Romanian plastics recycler Green Group is investing €12m to upgrade its existing plastics recycling technology in Banská Bystrica. It...
Sulík says EU’s climate goals are nonsense
“This is nonsense,“ was Economy Minister Richard Sulík’s (SaS) comment on the EU’s target to cut greenhouse emissions by 55% compared to...
Rumunský recyklátor plastov Green Group investuje na Slovensku 12 mil. €
Rumunský recyklátor plastov Green Group investuje 12 mil. € do modernizácie už existujúcej technológie na recyklovanie plastov v Banskej...
Sulík považuje klimatické ciele EÚ za nezmysly
„Sú to nezmysly,“ komentoval minister hospodárstva Richard Sulík (SaS) zámer EÚ znížiť do roku 2030 emisie skleníkových plynov o 55%...
Top policemen and politicians laundered money for Chinese traders
Top policemen and politicians apparently cooperated with small Chinese traders in money laundering to get money for bribes. The traders...
Za ľudí is weaker, but coalition goes on
Justice Minister Mária Kolíková and six MPs left the Za ľudí party on Wednesday. The MPs joined the caucus of another coalition party,...