Flying car AirCar has been issued with a certificate of airworthiness
A flying car AirCar (Štefan Klein) capable of hitting speeds over 160 km/h and altitudes above 2,500 m has been issued with a certificate...
A married couple from OĽaNO heads district authorities in Zvolen and Banská Bystrica
Based on a proposal of the coalition party OĽaNO, the government appointed Milan Mészáros as head of the District Authority in Zvolen. He...
Manželia z OĽaNO šéfujú okresným úradom vo Zvolene a Banskej Bystrici
Vláda na návrh koaličnej strany OĽaNO vymenovala na post prednostu Okresného úradu vo Zvolene Milana Mészárosa. Vo funkcii nahradil...
Lietajúce auto AirCar má osvedčenie o letovej spôsobilosti
Lietajúce auto AirCar (Štefan Klein) dostalo od slovenského dopravného úradu osvedčenie o letovej spôsobilosti. Je schopné dosiahnuť...
Mochovce to be launched in two months
ÚJD, the nuclear authority, has published its draft final approval for the third bloc of the Mochovce nuclear power plant. The bloc with...
Slovakia moved up four places to 56th in Corruption Perception Index
Slovakia moved up four places to 56th in the prestigious Corruption Perception Index compiled by Transparency International. The...
Mochovce sa spustia o dva mesiace
Úrad jadrového dozoru zverejnil návrh definitívneho povolenia na zavezenie paliva do tretieho bloku jadrovej elektrárne Mochovce, ten by...
Slovensko sa v rebríčku vnímania korupcie zlepšilo o štyri pozície
Slovensko sa v prestížnom rebríčku vnímania korupcie, ktorý zostavuje Transparency International, tento rok zlepšilo o štyri pozície a zo...
Isadore raised €1.6m from investors
Isadore, a cycling clothing maker owned by the Velits bothers, raised €1.6m from investors via the Crowdberry investment platform at the...
New prison in Rimavská Sobota hits roadblocks
The Justice Ministry excluded the only bidders, Váhostav/Comsa and Metrostav, from its 2019 tender to build a new prison in Rimavská...