Residential real estate prices 22% higher
Residential real estate prices were 22% higher annually in the final quarter of 2021, at €2,262 per sqm, show data of NBS that relies on...
Pandemic containment measures to be lifted in mid-March
The Omicron pandemic wave is peaking and the government is discussing the date for abolition of the remaining restrictions with experts....
Vláda chce zrušiť pandemické opatrenia v prvej polovici marca
Omikron vlna pandémie na Slovensku je zrejme blízko vrcholu a vláda tak rokuje s expertmi o termíne zrušenia pandemických reštrikcií....
Byty o 22% drahšie
Ceny rezidenčných nehnuteľností boli v poslednom štvrťroku 2021 medziročne o 22% vyššie, na úrovni 2.262 €/m2, ukazujú dáta NBS, ktorá...
Interior Ministry expanding its inhouse IT capacities
Following the Ministries of IT and Justice, the Interior Ministry is also expanding its inhouse IT capacities. It is using its...
HB Reavis to enter residential segment
Developer HB Reavis (Ivan Chrenko), which focuses on the office segment, is responding to lower demand for offices in Bratislava after...
HB Reavis ide stavať byty
Developer HB Reavis (Ivan Chrenko), ktorý sa špecializuje na kancelárie, reaguje na pokles dopytu po kanceláriách v Bratislave po...
Ministerstvo vnútra posilňuje vlastné IT kapacity
Po ministerstvách IT a spravodlivosti si vlastné IT kapacity posilňuje aj Ministerstvo vnútra (MV). S dcérskou spoločnosťou Automobilové...
PMÚ fined Brantner
PMÚ, the anti-trust authority, fined the Slovak branch of Austrian waste company Brantner €0.3m for the unjustifiably high waste...
Slovalco runs at just 60% capacity
Žiar nad Hronom-based aluminum smelter Slovalco has been running just 135 of its 226 furnaces since Friday. It is at just 60% of capacity...