Medline sa presunul do Partizánskeho
Americká firma Medline spustila výrobu v novom závode za 24 mil. € v Partizánskom. Výrobu chirurgických súprav tam presunula z neďalekých...
Podpora rodín za 1,2 mld € ročne schválená
Parlament schválil návrh ministra financií Igora Matoviča (OĽaNO) na zvýšené prídavky na deti aj vyšší daňový bonus. Koaličná strana SaS...
€1.2bn family package approved
Parliament approved the proposal of Finance Minister Igor Matovič (OĽaNO) to increase child benefits and tax bonus. The coalition party...
Medline moved to Partizánske
US healthcare company Medline has launched production in a new €24m plant in Partizánske. It moved production of surgical kits there from...
Standard & Poor’s revised Slovak rating outlook from stable to negative
Credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s confirmed Slovakia's A+ rating but revised its outlook from stable to negative. The agency is...
Another ex-minister charged with corruption
Police charged Gábor Gál (Most-Híd), an ex-Justice Minister, with bribery. In return for a €50,000 bribe from Martin Kvietik, he...
Ďalší ex-minister obvinený z korupcie
Polícia obvinila exministra spravodlivosti Gábora Gála (Most-Híd) z prijímania úplatku. Za 50.000 € od Martina Kvietika mal v roku 2018...
S&P zhoršila výhľad ratingu Slovenska
Agentúra Standard & Poor’s ponechala rating Slovenska na stupni A+, ale zhoršila jeho výhľad zo stabilného na negatívny. Agentúra má...
4ka offers the cheapest voice and data mobile plans
4ka offers the cheapest voice and data mobile plans, having the lowest prices in seven of 12 categories in a comparison by the telecoms...
Tachyum wants to build the world’s most powerful supercomputer for €125m
Tachyum (Radoslav Danilák) promises to start the production of its new high-performance processors in the first half of 2023. It has...