Banks keep increasing profits
Banks increased their net profit by 8% annually to €138m in the first quarter, the central bank NBS reported. After years of declines,...
Slovakia moved up eight places to 27th in latest press freedom ranking
Slovakia moved up eight places to 27th among 180 countries in the latest press freedom ranking. The improvement comes on the back of the...
Slovensko si v najnovšom rebríčku slobody tlače polepšilo o osem priečok
Slovensko si v najnovšom rebríčku slobody tlače polepšilo o osem priečok a je na 27. mieste spomedzi 180 krajín. Za zlepšením je zrušenie...
Bankám rastú zisky
Banky v prvom štvrťroku t.r. medziročne zvýšili čistý zisk o 8% na 138 mil. €, informovala centrálna banka NBS. Po rokoch prepadov...
Gaming studio Pixel Federation still doing well
Gaming studio Pixel Federation (Šimon Šicko) posted a 7% increase in sales to €51m last year and its net profit stagnated at €8.3m. Back...
Penta paid off its outgoing partner Jozef Oravkin
Penta paid off its outgoing partner Jozef Oravkin by giving him three real estate projects and cash. Oravkin used to own 10% of the group...
Hernému štúdiu Pixel Federation sa stále darí
Hernému štúdiu Pixel Federation (Šimon Šicko) vlani čistý zisk stagnoval na úrovni 8,3 mil. € a tržby mu narástli o 7% na 51 mil. €. V...
Penta vyplatila odchádzajúceho partnera Jozefa Oravkina
Skupina Penta vyplatila odchádzajúceho partnera Jozefa Oravkina tým, že mu dala tri realitné projekty a hotovosť. Oravkin vlastnil v...
Jozef Jankulák sold precision reduction gear maker Spinea to Timken
Jozef Jankulák sold his Prešov-based Spinea, one of world’s top four high precision reduction gear makers, to US company Timken, the...
eustream is no longer laying golden eggs and wants to avoid dividends and new taxes
Gas pipeline operator eustream is no longer laying golden eggs and I think it will never will again, reckons František Čupr, head of gas...