U.S. Steel Košice keeps increasing profits
Košice-based U.S. Steel reported a pre-tax profit of $544m in the first half, up 74% annually, despite its output being down by 33,000...
Igor Matovič may stay in government
If SaS left the coalition in September and the rest of the coalition went on, the opposition would probably initiate a no-confidence vote...
Igor Matovič možno ostane vo vláde
Ak by SaS v septembri odišla z koalície a zvyšok koalície by chcel pokračovať, opozícia by pravdepodobne dala návrh na odvolanie ministra...
US Steel Košice stále zvyšuje zisk
Oceliarne U.S. Steel Košice vykázali v prvom polroku t.r. zisk pred zdanením 544 mil. USD, medziročne o 74% viac. Produkcia pritom klesla...