Exe offers virtual workforce training
Exe, which was acquired by Asseco in 2015, offers virtual workforce training to companies. It creates digital models of production...
Slovak wages are the 6th-lowest in the EU
The average annual full-time adjusted salary for employees in the EU was €33,500 in 2021, Eurostat reported. The highest salary was in...
Exe ponúka virtuálny tréning pracovníkov
Firma Exe, ktorú v roku 2015 kúpila spoločnosť Asseco, ponúka virtuálny tréning pracovníkov. Vytvorí digitálnu podobu technológií a...
Slovensko má šieste najnižšie mzdy v EÚ
Priemerná ročná mzda zamestnancov na plný úväzok v EÚ v roku 2021 činila 33.500 €, ukazujú prepočty Eurostatu. Najvyššia mzda bola v...
Terichem Tervakoski to invest €30m in expanding its Svit plant
The Economy Ministry proposed a €4.5m investment stimulus for a €30m investment by Terichem Tervakoski in expanding the production of...
High inflation and grim financial outlook have not yet had a significant impact on consumption
Slovaks spent 68% more annually in brick-and-mortar stores early in December, and payments in online stores were 11% higher, VÚB data...
Vysoká inflácia sa zatiaľ na predvianočnej spotrebe výrazne nepodpísala
Na prelome novembra a decembra Slováci minuli v kamenných obchodoch medziročne o 68% viac a o 11% stúpli aj platby v online obchodoch,...
Terichem Tervakoski investuje 30 mil. € do rozšírenia výroby
Ministerstvo hospodárstva navrhlo 4,5 mil. € investičný stimul pre 30 mil. € investíciu spoločnosti Terichem Tervakoski do rozšírenia...
Government capped charges and fees, part of final electricity price, at this year’s level
The government capped charges and fees, part of the final electricity price, at this year’s level. The tariffs for system operation,...
Not a good year for the second pension pillar
The second pension pillar funds lost 4-24% this year and none of them generated a positive yield. This reflects the drop in global equity...