Net wealth of the average household increased by 40% to €97,000 between 2017 and 2021
The net wealth of the average Slovak household increased by 40% to €97,000 between 2017 and 2021. The assets of young people and low...
Pensions to rise shortly before general election
Parliament approved a revision to the Social Insurance Act sponsored by Sme rodina, according to which pensions will rise by 10.6% as of...
Dôchodky budú rásť pred voľbami
Parlament schválil novelu Zákona o sociálnom poistení z dielne Sme rodina, podľa ktorej sa budú dôchodky mimoriadne valorizovať od 1....
Čisté bohatstvo domácnosti sa medzi rokmi 2017 a 2021 zvýšilo o 40%
Čisté bohatstvo priemernej slovenskej domácnosti sa medzi rokmi 2017 a 2021 zvýšilo o 40% na 97.000 €. Najviac rástli aktíva mladých ľudí...
Tax authority FS demanded bribes from Medusa
Peter Štecko, the owner of the Medusa restaurant chain, paid bribes of thousands of euros a month, totaling at least €234,000, to tax...
Energy suppliers do not sufficiently take into account the fall in market energy prices
Energy suppliers do not sufficiently take into account the fall in market energy prices, says regulator ÚRSO. Companies pay too high...
Dodávatelia energií dostatočne nezohľadňujú pokles cien na burzách
Dodávatelia energií dostatočne nezohľadňujú pokles cien na burzách, tvrdí regulátor ÚRSO. Podniky platia príliš vysoké ceny a štát má...
Finančná správa vypaľovala sieť reštaurácií Medusa
Majiteľ siete reštaurácií Medusa Peter Štecko platil v rokoch 2017-20 úradníkom Finančnej správy úplatky v tisíckach eur mesačne,...
Mario Hoffmann’s financial woes
Mario Hoffmann, who made his first money as the leader of the Istrokapitál group, transferred 50.1% of shares in the X-Bionic Sphere...
S&P improved the outlook on Slovakia's sovereign rating to stable from negative
Credit rating agency S&P improved the outlook on Slovakia's sovereign rating to stable from negative and kept the rating at A+. The...