Peugeot 208 no longer produced in Trnava
In early October, the Trnava Stellantis car plant stopped production of the Peugeot 208 model; factories in Spain and Morocco now...
Housing construction is still subdued
Housing construction is still subdued due to expensive mortgages that dampened demand. In the third quarter, 4,232 apartments were...
Výstavba bytov je stále utlmená
Výstavba bytov je stále utlmená pre drahé hypotéky, ktoré oslabili dopyt. V treťom štvrťroku sa skolaudovalo na Slovensku 4.232 bytov,...
Peugeot 208 sa už nevyrába v Trnave
Trnavský závod Stellantis v októbri stopol výrobu modelu Peugeot 208, materský koncern ju presunul do Španielska a Maroka. Závod tak...
Italian Meta System arrives in Trnava
Italian supplier of electronic systems for the automotive sector Meta System has set up a branch in Trnava's CTPark and will supply...
Boston Consulting Group recommends abandoning new hospital in Rázsochy
In September, renowned Boston Consulting Group delivered an analysis to the Health Ministry recommending abandoning the project of a new...
Boston Consulting Group odporúča opustiť projekt novej nemocnice Rázsochy
Poradenská firma Boston Consulting Group v septembri doručila Ministerstvu zdravotníctva (MZ) analýzu, v ktorej odporúča opustiť projekt...
Taliansky Meta System investuje v Trnave
Taliansky dodávateľ elektronických systémov pre automotive Meta System založil pobočku v trnavskom CTParku a bude susednej automobilke...
Hopi expands in Slovakia
Czech firm Hopi, the largest provider of warehouses for chilled and frozen food in Slovakia, plans to add another hall in its logistics...
Slovak economy slowed to 1.1% annual growth in the third quarter
The statistics office ŠÚ confirmed its flash estimate that the Slovak economy slowed to 1.1% annual growth in the third quarter. Despite...