Ivan Korčok won the first round but Peter Pellegrini remains favorite to win presidency
Ivan Korčok, a pro-Western diplomat, surprisingly won the first round of the presidential election ahead of Peter Pellegrini, who is...
New tax on sweet beverages to bring €100m a year
The planned tax on sweet beverages may increase the price of some drinks by more than 100%, warns the food chamber PKS. It says the state...
Štát chce vybrať 100 mil. € ročne na dani zo sladených nápojov
Plánované zavedenie dane zo sladených nápojov môže zvýšiť ceny niektorých nápojov aj o viac ako 100%, varuje Potravinárska komora...
Ivan Korčok vyhral prvé kolo, ale Peter Pellegrini ostáva favoritom pre druhé kolo
Prozápadný diplomat Ivan Korčok prekvapivo vyhral prvé kolo prezidentských volieb pred Petrom Pellegrinim, ktorý bol veľmi blízko...
Penta is selling Fortuna
Penta (Haščák family and Marek Dospiva) is considering the sale of a stake in Fortuna, the No.1 betting agency in the CEE region and the...
Penta predáva Fortunu
Skupina Penta (rodina Haščákovcov a Marek Dospiva) zvažuje predaj podielu vo svojej stávkovej spoločnosti Fortuna, ktorá je č.1 na trhu...
Stellantis will produce ë-C3 in Trnava
"Production launch of the electric Citroën ë-C3 in Trnava is a matter of a few weeks," said Carlos Tavares, CEO of Stellantis, during a...
Stellantis bude vyrábať ë-C3 v Trnave
„Spustenie výroby elektrického Citroënu ë-C3 v Trnave je otázkou niekoľkých týždňov,” uviedol šéf koncernu Stellantis Carlos Tavares...
Slovak mortgages may soon be among the most expensive in eurozone
Slovak mortgages have recently been among the cheapest in the eurozone and may soon be among the most expensive, warns Daniel Kollár, CEO...
Kooperativa acquired a 10% stake in Stabilita
Insurer Kooperativa, part of the Vienna Insurance Group, acquired a 10% stake in Stabilita, a pension asset manager in the third pension...