Buying could once again be more profitable than renting this year
The rent of a 50 sqm apartment in Bratislava without utilities was €700 at the end of last year and the monthly mortgage payment for this...
Jaguar Land Rover to invest €29m in a paint shop in Nitra
Jaguar Land Rover is planning a €29m investment in a paint shop in its Nitra plant to expand its range of colors and meet the increased...
Kúpa bytu by tento rok opäť mohla byť výhodnejšia ako nájom
Nájom 50 m2 bytu v Bratislave bez energií bol koncom vlaňajška 700 € a mesačná splátka hypotéky na tento byt činila 747 € (starý byt),...
Jaguar Land Rover investuje v Nitre 29 mil. € do lakovne
Automobilka Jaguar Land Rover plánuje v Nitre 29 mil. € investíciu do lakovne, aby tak rozšírila ponuku farieb a uspokojila zvýšený...
Mass anti-government protests
Some 100-130,000 people took part in Friday's anti-government protests across Slovakia, 35-60,000 of them in Bratislava. The attendance...
Wind power plants still without permits
Getting permits for wind power projects is still slow, and none of the 24 projects in the pipeline in Slovakia has received a positive...
Veterné elektrárne stále bez povolení
Získavanie povolení pre projekty veterných elektrární je stále pomalé a žiadny z 24 predložených projektov stále nezískal kladné...
Masové protivládne protesty
Na piatkových protivládnych protestoch po celom Slovensku sa zúčastnilo 100-130.000 ľudí, z toho 35-60.000 v Bratislave . Na účasť ich...
Medusa to open €3m restaurant
The largest Slovak catering group Medusa (Peter Štecko) will open a restaurant and brewery, DOCK7, near the Bratislava Eurovea center on...
Police to press corruption charges against a friend of Robert Fico
Police proposed to press charges against former head of the state material reserves, Kajetán Kičura , a nominee of Smer and friend of...