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Kočner had Finančná správa vice-president in his pocket

Marian Kočner maintained friendly communication with Dušan Pátek, tax authority FS Vice-President, in 2016-19. Pátek advised him on how to thwart FS tax audits, discussed the situation in specific companies, and helped push through FS guidelines to discredit Igor Matovič. Using the FS standpoint, corrupt journalist Martina Ruttkayová attacked Matovič and Smer called on Matovič to leave politics. Kočner also arranged a meeting between Pátek and Anton Siekel, a businessman close to the SNS. Both Pátek and Siekel deny this.

Táto správa je z Ekonomiky DNES, denného prehľadu najdôležitejších ekonomických správ zo Slovenska.

This news is from the Slovak Business News TODAY, one-page summary of all the important Slovak business news.

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