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People like to complain and Slovaks are no exception

Fully 80% of Slovaks think that their country is going in the wrong direction, while only 18% feel the opposite, according to a survey conducted by Stem as part of the EU-funded RevivEU project. 87% are dissatisfied with the economic situation in Slovakia and 75% said no when asked whether most people can be trusted. Only a third would vote for Slovakia to leave the EU in a referendum and 70% are against arms supplies to Ukraine. Some 43% think abortion should remain legal. (

In a similar Eurobarometer poll in February this year, 78% of Slovaks expressed concern about Slovakia's direction, the highest in the EU. Poles (70%), Hungarians (67%) and Czechs (59%) are slightly more optimistic.



Táto správa je z Ekonomiky DNES, denného prehľadu najdôležitejších ekonomických správ zo Slovenska.

This news is from the Slovak Business News TODAY, one-page summary of all the important Slovak business news.

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